Step 1
Click Sign Up!
Select Property Manager /Owner Permit

Step 2
Set a security question
Upload your driver's license

step 3
Select [+ Add] to add a parking permit
Enter the property name(s) and who manages the property

step 4
Select Vehicle(s) [+ Add] to add your vehicle information
Please Note: License Plate must be entered correctly or the License Plate Recognition cameras can not validate permit.

Step 1
Form your portal click your custom report.

Step 2
Select your report

step 3
Choose to Save As Excel = Microsoft or CSV = Google Worksheets
Visitor Parking is linked to the Resident Host permit. A visitor must contact the host resident for an authorized visitor code.
Resident Instructions
Step 1: Go to your Dashboard > Visitor Requests
Step 2: Click on Share My Permit with a Visitor
Step 3: Copy Visitor Code
Step 4: Send to Visitor
Visitor Instructions
Step 1: Go to utahparkpass.com
Step 2: Click on Visitor Parking
Step 3: Input Visitor Code from host Resident
Step 4: Add Vehicle Information
Checkout our short video tutorial on how to find your unique visitor parking code in your ParkUt account! https://utahparkingauthority.com/help#visitor