SmartBooting® gives the motorist in violation the opportunity to release the SmartBoot® at a fraction of the cost of towing. This is a temporary enforcement solution and the vehicle is subject to being towed at anytime.
Self-Releasing SmartBoot®

This immobilization device was created for customer convenience, allowing the motorist to get back on the road in just a few short minutes.
Step 1. Scan the QR Code on the window ticket
Step 2. Make payment
Step 3. Acknowledgements to receive 5 digit release code
Step 4. Return the GPS Smartboot® to an authorized return bin within 48 hours
Once the parking fines have been paid, the motorist will be sent a unique code to remove the Smartboot® from the tire.


“Utah Parking Authority has been a great company to work with. They have been managing our parking since 2002 and provide great customer service. We have never had a towing company that was as consistent as UPA. I can't recommend their professional parking services enough”
Sarah H.
Property Manager
Can I park in any space now that there are no hangtags or stickers?All parking lot/space privileges remain the same and are based upon your digital permit type. (Resident, Manager/Owner, Visitor, Vendor, etc.) Vehicles parked in parking lots not associated with their digital permit type will be subject to enforcement.
What if I do not have a front license plate?If your vehicle is registered in the State of Utah, the state requires that two plates be displayed, one in the front and one in the back of the vehicle. If you have a back-facing plate only, please park head-in in parking lots so that our parking attendants can see your registered license plate. Failure to park with a visible license plate will result in booting or towing.
What if I get a new vehicle or a new license plate?It is imperative that your license plate and vehicle information is current and correct in order to avoid an unnecessary citation and ensure proper access.
What if I have a state issued front license plate?Vehicles from states that require front license plates may park with either license plate facing the adjacent lane when parking in a straight parking space. Vehicles are not allowed to back in or pull through any slanted space unless a valid license plate is completely visible.
How can I avoid receiving a boot or getting towed?Purchase your permit before your vehicle is parked in a restricted parking lot. Ensure the license plate is accurate. Park only in designated, marked parking spaces where your paid parking session is valid. Specific enforcement issues or concerns can be answered by texting UPA’s enforcement division at (801) 377-8200 or emailing the parking committee from the website at utahparkingauthority.com
How does the new digital parking permit system work?Motorists will register their vehicle’s license plate information into the online parking system at utahparkpass.com when purchasing their virtual permits. The LPR software then combines this information with the motorist’s payment and generates a digital permit linked to that vehicle’s license plate number. When a vehicle parks in a restricted lot, the license plate is captured by cameras mounted on mobile compliance vehicles. LPR works similar to a supermarket scanner with your license plate functioning as the barcode. When read, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify a valid permit and the proper parking privileges for the location. If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid digital permit or the vehicle is parked in an inappropriate area, then the vehicle will be subject to booting and/or towing.
License Plate Entry TipsPassenger vehicles do not use the letters I, O and Q in the second or fourth position (for California). Commercial vehicles do not use the letters I, O and Q (for California). If you have a personalized plate with less than seven characters, or if you have a special character within your plate (heart, star, etc.), you will skip the special character and enter in the rest of the characters remaining on the plate. Do not enter any spaces in the license plate even if there are spaces. If your vehicle has a temporary paper license plate, register the vehicle online by entering the temporary number as the Vehicle License Plate, selecting TEMPORARY PLATE as the Vehicle Plate Type and entering the full VIN. If there is no temporary number, enter the last 8 digits of your VIN as the Vehicle License Plate, select VIN NUMBER as the Vehicle Plate Type and enter the full VIN. Please note that VINs do not contain the letters O, I and Q so that they are not confused with the numbers 0, 1 and 9. Note: Utah license plates will always default to the number zero. Do NOT use the letter 'O' in your Utah license plate number or you can receive a citation due to an incorrect plate.
What happens if I do not register my license plate? Will I get booted or towed?A vehicle will be found to be in violation of the parking rules and is subject to booting or towing if the vehicle is not properly or accurately registered. You will need to take the time to register to avoid further enforcement.
Data Privacy InformationUtah Parking Authority (UPA) uses license plate recognition (“LPR”) in place of physical stickers and hangtag in some parking lots to ensure vehicles are authorized to park. Compliance vehicles use mounted cameras to scan license plates as valid permits and install Smartboots® and/or report violations to the tow truck for vehicles without authorized permits. Vehicle information is routed to secure servers and is not shared with other agencies, including law enforcement. No personal information is shared outside the UPA and affiliate organizations. Driver information is protected under the federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act 18 U.S.C. §§2721-2725 (DPPA). Vehicle information is stored as long as the permit is valid or if an enforcement action is issued. All other license plate data is considered a transitory record and is retained on secure servers for thirty (30) days and then deleted. The vehicle license plate is the permit, and anyone who parks on in a permit restricted lot must purchase annual, semester, daily or overnight rights. A parking right and/or privilege is referred to as a permit in the context of UPA. The permit holder is responsible for the accuracy of the license plate at the time parking rights are obtained. License plates must face the drive lane in parking lots to be scanned for compliance. A vehicle may be enforced if its plate cannot be scanned. Vehicles with only one license plate are not authorized to back in or pull through spaces and may be enforced. Enforcement due to inaccurate plate information or the inability to scan a plate are the responsibility of the vehicle owner. Refunds are not issued if license plates are entered inaccurately.
What if I have multiple vehicles?You may register as many vehicle as you would like to your parking account, however only 1 may be assigned to your parking permit at a time. You may be eligible to assign multiple vehicle to your permit at one time depending on your property manager, however this will need to be done through text at the UPA Help Center at (801) 377-8200.
How will motorcycle plates be handled?The new LPR system will read motorcycle license plates in the same manner as vehicle license plates.
What is LPR?License Plate Recognition (LPR) is an advanced parking technology that provides virtual/digital permits through a vehicle’s license plate instead of paper permits, stickers or plastic hangtags. LPR assists in parking organization, provides convenience and accessibility for the permit holder and greatly reduces the amount of paper and plastic waste produced.
What is the benefit of LPR?Eliminates the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle-to-vehicle Making an appointment or waiting for your property management office to open will no longer be necessary Returning to your vehicle to display a paper or plastic permit will no longer be necessary Lost or stolen permits and the associated replacement fees, police reports, and processing times will be eliminated No more forgetting your hangtag, a hangtag falling from a rearview mirror or being displayed improperly Remote sign up for parking online or through the ParkUT app
How can I register my license plate?Please visit utahparkpass.com or the ParkUT mobile parking permit app to sign up for a digital parking permit account.
What happens if I enter the wrong license plate number into the system?Entering your vehicle information correctly is vital to the LPR system. If you enter your license plate number incorrectly, you will be subject to enforcement. The LPR software will not be able to predict what your license plate should have been, and will trigger a parking violation. It is strongly recommended to check your vehicle registration to confirm the license plate details you provided are accurate.
How will my license plate be used?The license plate information collected in this process will only be referenced against the Utah Parking Authority database for the strict purposes of verifying UPA parking permits in Utah. The enforcement rules will not change because of this new technology, including the process to appeal a parking fine.
Do I need to include the county code when entering my license plate number?States that have county codes on their license plates must be included when entering your vehicle information. The following states currently have county codes on their license plates (as of August 18, 2020): Alabama Montana Nebraska South Dakota Wyoming Idaho Hawaii
What if I have a loaner vehicle or a rental car?Permit holders are allowed to add/remove vehicles to their account at any time; this includes loaner vehicles and rental cars. It is important that you assign the vehicle to your permit as soon as you parking the vehicle in the permit restricted lot.
How do I sign up for a digital permit?
TEMPORARY PLATES OR NO PLATESPlease check out the specific requirements for registering a vehicle on your digital permit that has temporary registration and/or no license plate. Please note: Once your DMV-issued license plates have arrived, you will be required to immediately update your information on your online parking account. Failure to add the new vehicle license plate information may result in an unnecessary boot, tow, and possibly revoked parking access.
What if I receive a boot because my license plate is dirty or if I have a decorative cover?As long as your plates are legal for driving, our system will be able to read them.
How can I verify that the license number I have on record is correct?You may log into your permit account at utahparkpass.com or from the ParkUT mobile permit app. You may also text UPA’s 24 hour Help Center for verification. (801)377-8200.
What is a Smartboot® and how does it work?UPA's proprietary Smartboot® is a GPS enabled immobilization device with self-releasing capabilities. A customer will pay parking fines via QRcode and receive a unique release code to remove the device in under 5 minutes. The boot may be dropped off at any one of our convenient return bins within 24 hours.
Is it illegal to take the boot off before making payment and receiving the unlock code?Tampering with a parking device is a Class B Misdemeanor criminal offense, punishable by up to six months in jail and fines of up to $1000 per criminal charge of criminal mischief, theft, vandalism and tampering. This will stay on your public criminal record for six years.
How much does it cost to release the Smartboot®?Utah Code UCA 41-6a-1409(4) A vehicle immobilizer may charge $75 for the first 24-hour period a vehicle is immobilized; plus $25 for each additional 24-hour period a vehicle is immobilized. Effective 5/13/2014 Utah Code Section 72-9-603 In addition to the maximum rates established under Subsection (16) and when receiving payment by credit card, an impound yard may charge a credit card processing fee of 3% of the transaction total.
Where will I return the Smartboot®?GPS SMARTBOOTS® must be returned to an authorized return bin within 48 hours to avoid additional storage charges of $75/day and/or a $1000 SmartBoot® replacement fee. Gently slide the SmartBoot® into the bin opening and GPS will auto-return the device into the system. Please choose from one of these convenient locations near you. Thank you for your cooperation. PROVO NORTH | PROVO EAST | OREM WEST
May I request assistance with a release?Yes, Utah Parking Authority has staff available 24/7 for assisted releases. Please contact our Help Center at (801) 377-8200, or simply click the assisted release box at checkout and we will send a driver to remove and collect the SmartBoot® from your vehicle.
How do I remove a UPA Smartboot®?This immobilization device was created for your convenience. We understand your time is valuable and our goal is to get you on the road in a few short minutes. Step 1. Scan the QR Code that was placed on your window. This will take you directly to your unique payment link. Step 2. Make payment. Step 3. You will receive a 5 digit release code. Type in the code quickly followed by the pound key. Wiggle the boot to release the locking pin, pull the boot towards your chest, and slide the boot away from the tire. Help Video: https://www.utahparkingauthority.com/smartboot Step 4. Return the GPS SmartBoot to an authorized return bin within 48 hours.
How long do I have before my car gets towed?Every multi-unit housing facility establishes unique parking regulations to accommodate their needs. A booted vehicle is subject to being towed at anytime and should be released immediately. A booted vehicle will not remain on the property in violation for more than 24 hours prior to towing, however it may be towed at anytime. Booting fees will be waived once a booted vehicle has been towed.
My vehicle was impounded by law enforcement. How do I get an impound release?In order to retrieve your vehicle from the impound yard, you will first need to visit a DMV office and obtain an impound release. You will need the impound report or the report information. This information can be found on the Impounded Vehicle Service. All applicable fees, depending on the nature of the impound, will need to be paid prior to obtaining the release.
What are the towing fees in Utah?Vehicles towed from private property are subject to the Non-Consent Non-Police Generated Two (PPI) Fee Schedule outlined in the Utah Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Towing, established by UDOT. State Impounds and Accident Recovery are subject to the Non-Consent Police Generated Tow Hourly Fee Schedule.
My car is All Wheel Driver (AWD), how can you tow it?UPA maintains state of the art repossession trucks and equipment to safely tow any vehicle. AWD vehicles are placed on our dolly system which picks the entire vehicle up off of the ground. Our equipment only touches the rubber of your tires.
What do I need to do if my car was state impounded by the police for DUI?DUI Release Procedures To obtain a release, the vehicle owner, or authorized agent, must: Present legal picture identification that proves them to be the legal, registered owner. Provide a copy of the TC-540, Vehicle Impound Report, which is provided by the arresting officer. To be released from impound, the vehicle must be properly registered. If the Vehicle Impound Report shows the vehicle is not properly registered, the vehicle must be registered and all taxes and fees paid before release. Pay an administrative fee in addition to any other taxes or fees due. The administrative fee applies to off-highway vehicles and watercraft as well. If an authorized agent is obtaining the release, a letter of permission from the registered owner granting them permission to release the vehicle must also be submitted. Note: The administrative fee must be paid, regardless of whether or not the owner was the driver arrested for DUI. Once fees have been paid a letter of release will be given. If the vehicle or watercraft is not claimed within 30 days, legal procedures will be initiated to sell the vehicle.
Does it cost more every day my car is in the impound yard?The Utah Department of Motor Vehicles has set a daily impound outside storage fee at $40/day for light duty vehicles. A tow truck motor carrier may charge a higher fee for inside storage per day per unit only if requested by the owner(s), or a law enforcement agency or highway authority. For the purpose of calculating storage rates, if the first six hours of storage for a vehicle includes more than one day, the authorized storage fee is only the charge for one day.
Why do I need to provide my driver's license when I pickup my vehicle?In order to document and verify a vehicle owner's identity before releasing an impounded vehicle or accepting a credit card, a Driver's License must be provided.
Can I get stuff out of my car while it's in the impound yard?"Life Essential" items may be retrieved from an impounded vehicle by the registered vehicle owner during normal business hours. All other items may be retrieved after the vehicle has been paid for a released from impound. Section R909-19-25 - Life Essential Property Property which is deemed as life essential shall be given to the vehicle owner regardless of payment for rendered services. "Life-essential personal property" includes those items essential to sustain life or health including: prescription medication, medical equipment, essential clothing (e.g. shoes, coat), food and water, child safety seats, and government issued photo-identification.
How do I authorize my insurance company to pickup my car that has been in an accident?A release form is required to be filled out and signed in order to authorize a third party insurance agency or towing company to pick up your vehicle from the impound yard. Please Note: Personal belongings in the vehicle that you wish to claim must be collected prior to signing this form. UPA is not responsible for personal belongings left in the vehicle. Once we have received email verification of this release form, the responsible party is free to schedule an appointment to pick up the vehicle Monday through Friday between 8am-5pm. Please instruct them to contact us here at this number: (801) 377-8200
Is there a fee to file an appeal?No, filing an appeal is free.
What is the deadline to file an appeal for a parking fine related to a tow or Smartboot®?A parking fine may be appealed once the fine has been paid in full and the SmartBoot® has been returned or the towed vehicle released from impound. Requests for an appeal of a parking ticket must be made within ten (10) days of the parking enforcement action (booting or towing).
What if my appeal is denied?Decisions from the appeals committee are generally final. You may reach out via email if you have additional information or documentation to support your case. appeals@utahparkingauthority.com
How long does it take to hear back from the appeals committee?Please allow 6-8 weeks for your appeal to be reviewed and responded to.
What are unacceptable reasons for an appeal?The UPA appeals committee emphasizes that certain justifications for violating parking regulations will not be entertained as valid grounds for appeal. These include, but are not limited to: Parking Duration: Appeals based on the argument that the vehicle was only parked in violation for a short period of time. Lot Occupancy: Appeals asserting that the lot was nearly empty at the time of enforcement. Regulatory Ignorance: Claims of being unaware of the parking regulations governing the private property or being given permission to park from an unauthorized third party. Signage Unawareness: Assertions that the appellant did not see or was unaware of the existence of parking lot signs indicating restrictions. Providing Incorrect Information: It is imperative for motorists to ensure the accuracy of all personal and vehicle information submitted to their ParkUT digital permit account. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining a valid and correct license plate number for the vehicle parking in the restricted lot. The responsibility for entering and updating information accurately rests solely with the individual motorist.
What are common reasons an appeal may be approved?Appeals may be approved if there was a system error, the vehicle was parked with valid authorization, or if there were extenuating circumstances (such as a medical emergency).
What documentation do I need to submit an appeal?You should include any relevant documents such as parking permits, payment receipts, photos, or any other proof that supports your case.
What are my responsibilities as a Digital Permit Holder?1. Provide accurate and up-to-date information when signing up. This includes correct vehicle details, license plate number, and any other required documentation. 2. Sign up for the digital parking permit well before any deadlines to avoid potential complications or penalties. 3. Abide by all rules and regulations associated with the digital parking permit, such as only parking in designated areas or during specified hours. 4. Keep track of the permit's expiration date and ensure timely renewals to maintain an active status. 5. Promptly update any changes, such as a new vehicle or a changed license plate in the permit account.
Does a property owner have the right to enforce parking in their private lots?Pursuant to prevailing legal standards and principles governing private property rights in Utah, it is hereby affirmed that the owner(s) of private property possess the inherent authority to establish, implement, and enforce specific rules and regulations concerning the parking of vehicles on said property. This authority is exercised with the objective of ensuring the orderly management of parking spaces in a manner that aligns with the operational needs of the property, as well as the convenience and safety of its residents, customers, or any other authorized occupants. In exercising this authority, the property owner(s) may delineate parking areas, assign parking spaces, stipulate conditions for the use of parking facilities, and enforce restrictions as deemed necessary. Such enforcement actions may include, but are not limited to, the issuance of warnings, imposition of fines, towing of vehicles, or the use of immobilization devices, in accordance with the established parking policies of the property.